by eheard | Sep 26, 2021 | ghost, hauntings, paranormal, wiltshire
If you follow me over on Twitter, you may recall this photo of twin boys being posted earlier this year. It was sent to me with a rather strange backstory that needed further investigation. Following some digging, the lady (named J as she wishes to remain anonymous)...
by eheard | Sep 16, 2021 | ghost, hauntings, paranormal, Uncategorized
Once in a while I come across a ghost story that just gives me the chills. Especially if it comes from a person who is sceptical about all things paranormal. For me, it lends credibility. It’s not a story set in some historical manor house or castle with a...
by eheard | Sep 4, 2021 | devizes, folklore, history of Wiltshire, moonrakers, superstitions, Uncategorized, wiltshire
If you ever visit Wiltshire, you may hear of or see the term ‘Moonrakers’. It’s the name used to describe anyone born in the county and there’s a rather charming folk tale associated with this name. Wiltshire was well known throughout Europe...