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When UFOs came to a sleepy Wiltshire village

It still surprises me that I didn’t really know of the Warminster Thing for the first twenty years of living here in Wiltshire, especially as it happened only half an hour or so away from where I live. Such a massive event, both in terms of experiencing UFO phenomena and as part of our social history. When I came across The Warminster Thing, I was pretty shocked by how huge this story was. Memories on those times do linger though, as I later found out, continues in quiet corners of the internet and once a year up on Cradle Hill.

There is much to tell you so this blog is part of a two-parter. Today you will find out all about The Warminster Thing, in a story written by me for Haunted magazine. They have kindly agreed to let me use the brilliantly designed PDF.

Onto the article. Make sure you use the slider on the right to see the rest of the article. It’s quite long! Or download it using the arrow down sign with a line underneath.

Skies over Cradle Hill

I hope you enjoyed this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. In The Warminster Thing Part Two, you’ll hear from me and Steve Higgins, aka HiggyPop, and from one of the original skywatchers, David Morgan. You might recognise him as he has written a great article here on Weird Wiltshire that examines the validity of the local legend of Black Molly and also contributed to my blog on Grovely Woods. David will be back soon with his research on the Four Sisters of Grovely Woods, shedding more light on this most ghostly mystery.

Stay tuned for The Warminster Thing Part Two soon!

Get a copy of Haunted magazine here.

Heads up, if you like a spooky tale from some excellent writers from across the world give Haunted magazine a go. You’ll also find articles from little, old me. It’s a great magazine; you won’t be disappointed!

Don’t forget; I’m always on the lookout for spooky and weird stories from Wiltshire and beyond. If you have a tale you would like to share I’d love to hear from you. Contact me via Twitter (or X as we are supposed to call it now) or here.

I’m also now to be found on Bluesky. Hurrah! If you enjoy my weird tales from Wiltshire and beyond and can spare a few pennies, please head over to Ko-fi and buy me a cuppa. Every bit is used to help bring you more stories. I sure would appreciate it.

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