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Heads up, there are no ghosts in today’s blog! But this topic still falls under the Weird Wiltshire banner because I love all things history related too. And, it is at times, when you wander around a place and take a good look about, that you might spot something unusual. Something that piques your interest.

This is precisely what happened to me when I developed one of my short-lived mini-obsessions over some stone grotesques. If I see something on my travels or hear or read about a subject that draws me in, I tend to want to find out more.

tisbury view


And so it was, in a lovely Nadder valley village, that I got drawn into another little detective hunt. Tisbury is in south west Wiltshire, near the Dorset border. It’s a rural farming community that has seen habitation since the times of the Saxons. It’s an eclectic mix of houses, but as you may expect, there are plenty of quaint little stone cottages dotted about. The smaller farm cottages always draw my eye. I’ve lived in many little old dwellings and have a soft spot for them, even though they can be damp, dark and cold at times. And haunted! See Sharing Spring Cottage for one of my stories about a farm cottage and some unusual goings on. Anyway, I digress.

the cross inn grotesque

The Grotesques of The Cross Inn

The cottages range in age, but many are 17th- or 18th-century. It is on some of these quaint little dwellings that you sometimes spot a stone face or two! The first ones I came across, ten years or so ago, were on the wall of a then-closed-down pub; The Cross Inn. The windows were boarded up, buddliea grew from the base of the walls and brambles, with seriously good blackberries, had taken over the car park. Three faces were staring down at me from the side of the rundown building. A man wearing a hat, a lady and, in between them, a rather gnarly-looking dog.

There sat the trio, looking out from their vantage point up on the wall on the first floor. I always looked at them and wondered why they were up there. Were they grotesques? They fall under that category but look like real people rather than the usual caricatures. I admit the dog seems a little devilish, though!

For a few years, I would walk past these faces staring down at me and then it occurred to me. I had seen other stone faces on the sides of other cottages around the village. Was this a normal thing in villages which I had just never noticed? Or was it a Tisbury thing? Hmmm. The cogs of the brain began to turn and so I made it my mission to find out more.

After asking around a bit and digging about in the library, I found some information. And since I was doing that, I thought I should go and take some photos. It was then I realised that although there are snippets about this collection of grotesques, no one had really documented them. I feel they are a special little bit of Tisbury history and they definitely deserve for someone to tell the story. That person, I decided, happens to be me!

Where did these grotesques come from?

For centuries, Tisbury’s industry had been based around quarrying, with local stone being used to build Salisbury Cathedral. Plenty of stone masons lived in the village through the Victorian years. One of those was James Rixon. He was part of a family of stonemasons stretching back generations. Born in 1837, James lived with his wife Isobella and bought up nine children in a little place known as Zion Hill Cottage. It’s a typical stone cottage built into the side of the hill. There’s a huge ammonite built into the stonework. It might be something to do with James and his stonemasonry! Maybe he found it in a big lump of rock.

james rixon portrait
Could this be James Rixon himself? One of the more kindly looking grotesque photos, taken before the elements battered the stone.
zion cottage, tisbury

Zion Hill Cottage

Anyway, back in 1881, the census year, I expect Zion Hill Cottage was far more dark and dank than it is today. The Census reports the nine children residing there. I expect it was jam-packed! It was James Nixon who, I found out, spent his spare time carving the faces of his family, fellow neighbours and village characters. I don’t know how many he cut, but there seem to be quite a few. An old photo of Zion Hill Cottage shows several rather macabre faces peeping out of the thick ivy.

Look at the photo above and outside the cottage is Isobella holding one of her many children. Look closely in the ivy at all the stone faces!

As you can see from the other photos of the cottage. There is no ivy there today. It is said, in the 1930s, someone decided to clear the ivy from the cottage and the stone faces fell off the wall and rolled down the hill. These were not the only ones though. There are others which have survived on their original placements, but others seem to have been relocated to newer properties.

Although there are literally only a few sentences recorded regarding James Nixon, I wanted to find as many locations of these grotesques as I could. I knew of several places already and headed off around the village, camera in hand.

Duck Street Farmhouse

Here is one character sitting serenely on Duck Street Farmhouse. I couldn’t say who he is, but perhaps the one-time farmer, I would imagine.

I found a couple more faces, but they were not James Rixon’s work. I’ve added them here anyway since this is a blog about grotesques or stone faces, as I prefer to call them! You’ll see more further down the page.


A Special Discovery in Fonthill Gifford

One lady called Cherry gave me the heads up about a stone face a little way from Tisbury in a small set of dwellings called Fonthill Gifford. This was not one of James Rixon’s but was a stone face of the house owner’s grandfather. He was placed there on purpose after it was hand-carved by a family member. It’s a pretty nice spot looking out across the sheep-covered fields and onto the woods beyond.

James Nixon grotesques

Courtesy of the Tisbury History Society

I contacted the Tisbury History Society. They sent me several old photos of James Nixon’s stone faces. A couple of which I have failed to locate. They didn’t know who James carved from stone as records of things like that were just not recorded back then. Another dead information end, but I did get the photos.

The Postman of Tisbury Row

But then the owners of a cottage on Tisbury Row got in touch. They had a James Nixon stone face on the front of their cottage and invited me to take a photo. We think this guy is called Cappy Mould! What a great name!

“When we bought the cottage, a local said the head was an old Tisbury postman.” The owner told me. “When we got the Tisbury history book, my brother looked at the old photo of Zion cottage with a magnifier and he found our head amongst the others in the Ivy. Amazing story.”

A sea captain or a king?

The owners of a cottage on Hindon Lane sent me a message to tell me of a supposed stone face of an old sea captain. Supposedly he discovered Maine in the US but as Adam, the owner, explained, the house was not that old. When I tried to dig into the discovery of Maine, it seems the Portuguese discovered the state.

There is however a connection between Tisbury and Chilmark (a local village) and the East Coast of the US. More Massachusetts than Maine but hey, it’s just down the road isn’t it?! Note: For anyone reading this in the US, I know the two states are not ‘just down the coast’ but they do look like that when you look at a map!

If Tisbury is famous for anything notable it’s down to being the birth place of Thomas Meyhew in 1593. With the help of his father’s legacy his business as a mercer prospered so well he was able to purchase the development rights of Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket in Massachusetts. He and his family left the original Tisbury and helped to establish the new Chilmark and Tisbury, the popular holiday destinations for frazzled New Yorkers. 

When I went to take photos, I found two smaller stone faces that looked like they were wearing crowns. They are a little tricky to see because my camera lens isn’t too good with a zoom! You can also see mournful-looking lady, gazing down at the road. Regardless of who these stone faces may be, I think they should have a place on this blog.

The little angel

As I walked further along this road, I spotted another stone face on yet another stone cottage. The owner said he had found the cherub-like head in the undergrowth and decided to hang him up on the wall. We were both in agreement it was more likely a more modern, mass-produced stone face, but what the heck. Here he is!

Grotesques on the bungalow

Another lady got in touch. Three James Rixon heads were attached to the wall on her mother’s bungalow. It turned out the bungalow owner’s late husband was a local builder. He had found these three stone faces while renovating village properties. Neither mother nor daughter knew where, though. The one of the left is looking very worn, giving him a rather creepy look!

baby grotesque

Found on the cricket pitch?

My final hot lead came from a lovely lady just down the road from Zion Hill Cottage. Her late husband had acquired a stone baby head, I believe from a gardener. We think that, at some point this man had been mowing what was the cricket green, sometime before any houses had been built there. He had found the stone face of a baby and rescued it from an inevitable demise. The stone baby lived in her garden and I was able to go round and take a snap or two. She explained that the cricket field was below Zion Hill Cottage back in the 1950s, so it’s likely the stone baby head was one of the grotesques that rolled down the hill when the cottage was stripped of ivy.

Guardians of the pillars

Still, on this same road, I found two far more modern green man stone carvings. After some Twitter posting, and by total luck, a local stonemason called Harry Jonas got in touch. He was responsible for carving these two and had some more at his workshop. I do love a green man (just check out the Weird Wiltshire logo), so I am rather fond of these two guardians. I intend to buy one of Harry’s green man grotesques to stick on my house when and if we ever finish the building work!

stone face

Easter Island comes to Tisbury

This little stone carving is tucked up in the eaves of a lovely little cottage. The owner of the place is an artist and she is the one that carved this grotesque. He looks somewhat like Tisbury’s very own Easter Island statue!

The grandest of stone faces

Last but not least, have a look at these stone faces made from locally sourced flint. I only noticed them a couple of years ago but there they are, checking up on all the visitors coming to and fro. They live on the Fonthill estate’s rather grand entrance to the park.

So, that’s all of the stone faces of Tisbury. For now! I suspect some others will come out of the woodwork soon (or should that be stonework?!)

Update April 2024

As I write this, it’s been nearly two years since I visited this topic. I know there are more James Rixon heads to be found. It’s just a matter of when and how I will come across them.

I was quite surprised, when visiting the lovely 16th-century Tudor Cottage, which is currently running as an Air BnB in search of weirdness that, whilst I found nothing much of ghostly interest, I did find another of the missing stone faces. Here are some photos of Tudor Cottage and of the stone face hanging from the fireplace, keeping watch on the room.

There are some charming little wood carvings in Tudor Cottage. I’m not sure how old they are but they fit right in. Here’s my favourite.

I was told the other day there are a couple at a bungalow at the top of my road that their gardener knows of. He has promised to get permission for me, so I can get photos. I hope to be back with another update soon.

Update May 2024

Just like buses, one stone face comes along, and then two more come along at the same time. Suddenly, you have three! These two slight horrors are not, we think, the work of James Rixon. They are to be found at Barrowby House. The owner of the house, Margaret Halwell, kindly allowed me to take photos of them (and thanks to Graham for taking me round there).

Old stonemasons told Margaret they originally came from the Old Fonthill Abbey. This was a strange place, but a mile or two from the property. The owner and builder of the abbey, William Thomas Beckford, built a gothic revival country house, complete with a towering spire. William was a dubious character, shunned by polite society after being accused of abuse. He hid himself away in the woods of Fonthill to build himself a cathedral, the money coming from the family’s plantations. This immense tower was not built well; the architect had failed to supervise the initial building properly and it fell down a number of times. Eventually, in 1845, the rest of the abbey was demolished.

These two stone faces come from the ruins of this building and they certainly have a gothic feel to them. Hidden by a rose tree, it’s not easy for me to see them or get good photos. One is a sheep or goat skull. The other, a creepy man with his mouth open, a beard hanging from his face. He is missing his nose creating an even more macabre effect, just as William Beckford would have intended.

I’ll be back when I come across more stone faces!

With thanks to all the people of Tisbury who took time out to email me leads, suggestions and information. It is much appreciated!

Don’t forget, I’m always on the lookout for any strange or unusual stories from Wiltshire and the rest of the World. If you’ve got a little story you’d like to share I would be very interested in speaking to you!

You can get in touch with me here

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References and Sources:

Historic England

UK Census

Tisbury History Society

Tales of a Wiltshire Valley – The Nadder by Rex Sawyer

Tisbury and Nadder Valley Through Time – Rex Sawyer

abbey all hallows day All Saints Day apparition astral projection avebury black cats bowerchalke British folklore calne castle crop circles dartmoor devizes devon essex Fae fairies folklore ghost ghosts guising halloween Halloween folklore haunted house haunted houses haunted pub haunted pubs hauntings history history of wiltshire monks paranormal salisbury stone circle stone circles stonehenge superstitions swindon tisbury UFOs Wales warminster wiltshire witches

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