Welcome to Weird Wiltshire
Weird Wiltshire is a county steeped in ancient history. Tales of legends, ghosts and folklore abound this area in the South West of England. Ancient monuments, ruinous castles, stately homes and humble cottages fill the beautiful rolling downlands.
In my quest to find strange and unusual tales, I explore stories of ghosts and the paranormal, folklore, history and anything weird, found in Wiltshire and beyond. I’ll be sharing spooky tales from around the world too!
Mixing first-hand accounts from those willing to share their stories and exploring yarns and mysteries from past times, I bring together a collection of stories and true tales for you to explore.
You can follow me on Twitter or contact me here. It would be good to hear from you!
I’m also on Mastodon now. Follow me here.

Latest blog posts

The Mildenhall Black Dog, Water Demons and a Roman Timeslip
Off we go to quaint and sleepy Mildenhall, a village one and a half miles to the east of Marlborough in the north of Wiltshire, in search of one of the county's many ominous black dogs. As I delved deep into my research the black dog was not the only spookiness I uncovered. History of Mildenhall Mildenhall was an important place for Roman settlers as the main roads from Bath to Newbury and Cirencester to Winchester ran through the centre. A...

Exploring the Ghosts of Glastonbury Series Part One
Glastonbury Tor This is the first in the series of blogs I plan to write about the mythical and magical lands of Glastonbury and in this blog we visit Glastonbury Tor. It’s somewhere I visit regularly because I feel a great affinity with the place. I’m talking about the town here and not the festival (although I have been and it was one of the very muddy years back in the 90s and quite frankly, it was a chore)! Glastonbury is a town filled with...

Cornish Myths and Legends
By Nick Seymour One of my favourite counties in England, apart from Wiltshire, has to be Cornwall. I love the myth, mystery and ethereal beauty of the place. Think ghostly phantom ships whispering through the foggy, silent waters and mesmerising mermaids on jagged, deadly rocks. Bleak and desolate moorlands where the ghosts of lonely travellers, smugglers and phantom coaches are witnessed. Cornish piskies in stone circles, dancing, making merry...

The Final Walking the Paths of our Ancestors Part Four
This blog has been quite a long time coming. I started this series in 2022 and although I have been back to Avebury several times (because it is one of my favourite Wiltshire destinations) I haven’t had the chance to go into the Avebury Manor or wander St James Churchyard in search of the photos I needed. And you will notice, I have only just posted it now, despite visitin in March! Anyhoo, a day off had presented itself (a rare but unexpected...

The Yew Tree
*Warning: This article talks about suicide* Back when I lived in Salisbury, I used to be up at the crack of dawn to walk my dogs behind what is now the Five Rivers Leisure Centre. Behind this building is a small nature reserve, on land that was once a rubbish dump. It’s a lovely little place and I used to take the same route alongside the River Avon and back around, skirting along the cycle path that heads into Salisbury city centre. I moved...

Three Ghostly Happenings
Here are three ghostly tales, told to me by a lady called Jan. All happened in Wiltshire and all have left a strong impression on Jan, now in her late 60s. The Ghostly Warning This happened in the early 2000s, on the road through the Woodford Valley, which is a fairly narrow country road. It was a very bright summer evening and Jan was returning from visiting her son in Leicester. She had driven there and back in the day and was beginning to...

Folklore of the Uffington White Horse and Dragon Hill
The White Horse It seems like an age ago now that I visited the Uffington White Horse; a lot happens in Weird Wiltshire in seven months! On one of my little trips out, on a stunning September Sunday afternoon, I ventured north, actually ending up in the county of Oxfordshire, just over the Wiltshire border. My pals Emma from Ghost Catcher Isles and her dear husband Ed invited me to join them on a foraging trip to the area surrounding the White...

A King’s Tomb, a Flying Monk and a Whole Load of Ghosts
As I sit and write this today, it is my birthday. By the time you read this my birthday will be long gone and hopefully the bitterly cold, driving heavy rain will have passed by too. What better way to spend my special day than to go on a little adventure. I took time away from work to head off on a Weird Wiltshire research and photo trip and I'd like to share that with you today. We are going to explore the history and ghosts of Malmesbury, a...

Black Molly and the Haunting of Pyt House
This blog is definitely for the sceptics among you! It’s a story that just goes to show how local folklore, tales that have been passed down from person to person over many years, sometimes centuries, endure the tests of time and eventually become set in local stone as true events. Whilst many of these tales are cultivated from perhaps a seed or two of truth, many go on to sprout extra leaves and are embellished with little untruths and juicy...

The Mysterious Monk at Margells
Lynne contacted me a little while back to see if I might be interested in her ghostly tales. There’s really no need to ask me; of course I was! Lynne is a social worker and writer, with a love of historical buildings, She uses her work to inspire her writing. The stories are from outside of Wiltshire and the one Lynne is going to tell us of today is of a place called Margells, in Branscombe, Devon. We’ll come back to the others in a later blog...